"I am going to start my own business".
You say this to your parents or friends.
But somehow they all know the same statistic:
"But did you know that 70% of businesses FAIL!"
They will follow it up with:
"It's so risky! What will you do if..."
"Or what about..."
"Do you have a plan for when..."
How come you have to swim through so much bullsh!t to start a business?
Truth be told, the statistics are true. Any business has a likely chance of failure.
But how about this... let's consider it from a different perspective.
The only reason a business fails is because of something the business owner does or doesn't do.
99% of the time it is largely within their control, or at least their choices will determine the fate of their company.
So why is it risky?
It's entirely within their control.
The same goes for you and me starting our own businesses.
This idea of a business being risky is only so large, especially when you consider it from a solopreneur perspective.
Solopreneurs can ONLY blame themselves if they fail.
Who can they blame if revenues tank and they can't pay the bills?
The economy?
(if they do blame the economy... they were destined to fail from the start)
The "risk" is entirely within our control.
You have EXPLICIT jurisdiction over what skills your business operator has (which is probably yourself).
If I fail... I ask myself these questions before blaming someone or something else:
Did I learn the proper skills?
Did I practice those skills?
Did I put in enough hours?
Did I think through your decisions?
If I can't say yes to those...
Well, I know why my business failed (and it's not even remotely hard to see at that point).
How do you prevent this from happening?
Simply put: become efficacious.
Learn how to run a business that will succeed.
Learn how to:
Study markets
Build an audience
Write copy
Sell a product
Build in public
Manage people (for all those normal-preneures)
YouTube and Z-Lib/Library Genesis have free courses, books, and lessons on EVERYTHING listed above (and more)!
You can't use the excuse of the economy causing your business to fail, there is a book for that!
When you say you are going to start a business...
Those who stifle your dream only do it because of one reason:
They aren't willing to become better.
They cannot comprehend themselves learning and applying skills that they do not have already.
And so they choose to tear you down... in hopes that they don't have to look in the mirror at night, and see themselves as a failure for NOT TAKING THE LEAP while you are changing your life, day by day.
I started mine, and so can you.
Is it actually risky to start a business?
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p.p.s - if you want to increase your brands' presence online or just need a website, schedule a call w/ me ​here
Riskier to put your fate in the hand of an employer. Love it